Monday, March 9, 2020

How to use your strengths to network during career fairs

How to use your strengths to network during career fairs Share Share via TwitterShare via FacebookShare via Google PlusShare via LinkedInShare via E-mail By Abbie Cheney Career Fairs can be a tricky environment to navigate but knowing your strengths can help you best prepare for mapping out which employers to talk to and what you want to discuss. Hereshow you can use your CliftonStrengths results to make the fruchtwein out of the Career Fair.Preparing for the Career FairPreparation is of utmost importance to make the most out of career fairs. Channel your strengths to come up with plans for how you are going to move about the fair and use all the resources Career Services has to offer.eintrag Log into Handshake and filter through all of the companies that are going to be at the fair. Use that list to start your research on who you want to connect with.Learner -Learn more about what companies that interest you. Share the information you learned about the company to im press the recruiter. Strategic - Think of all of the ways that you can move about the career fair How do you want to prioritize visiting companies? Or do want to visit every employer in the room? What are the different ways that you can set yourself exotisch from other applicants or interested students?Ideation - Spend some time coming up with how you want to deliver yourelevator pitch and preparing questions for the employers.Achiever - Set goals that you want to achieve during the fair. How many booths do you want to visit? How many rums do you want to hand out? How can you discuss all your achievements with recruiters at the career fair? Use that fr sichal fire that you have to tackle the career fair head-on.Focus - Like achiever, set some goals that you want to achieve during the career fair. Make sure, though, that these goals are accompanied by a plan of execution that you can follow and focus on.Belief- Research the companies that have strong guiding values that interest you and that you agree with, be willing to talk also about how your values guide your life as a potential employee.Connectedness - This strength enables you to landsee and find connections between all things. Use this talent to recognize the relationship that this event potentially has with the future.Competition - Use that competitive fire to be first to approach the career fair with confidence and drive. Be selective and purposeful of which companies you visit, make it about what you want to accomplish versus what the rest of your peers are doing.Maximizer - Plot out how you can best maximize yours and the employers time. Be intentional in how you polish your rsum and elevator pitch and what you discuss with employers at the carere fair.Talking to employers delivering your elevator pitchKnowing what to talk about at the Career Fair can be challenging. Use your Strengths to know how to approach the conversationand how you can bring up what you are naturally good at in the conversation with an employer.Adaptability - Be prepared for anything. Perhaps you find an employer that you never considered but found them interesting, or your resum prints wrong. Use this talent to bounce back in a positive manner and take advantage of every situation.Woo - Talking with potential employers might come naturally to you. Win people over with your ability to easily make a connection and be remembered by others. Explain how your natural talent for connecting with others can be vital to the company or position youre interested in.Restorative - Refer back to a time when you solved a problem. Be willing to tell this story to employers who want to hear about the ways that you handled an issue or tackled a task and how that same skill can be applied as an intern or employee at their company.Command- Be assertive in your interaction with employerswhile being cautious of your professionalism, and use that commanding energy to get the attention and time of employers.Self-Assurance- Havec onfidence in yourself when approaching employers. Talk confidently about your skills and how youd be a great fit at their company.Significance- Highlight skills and traits that set you apart from others and how youd make a significant impact on their company with them.Harmony- Find common ground with the recruiter you are speaking to. Find ways to make connections with the company and how you can seamlessly fit it. That connection may come in handy later on.Individualization- Acknowledge the uniqueness of every company that is at the Career Fairand use this talent to connect with each employer individually. Instead of using the same pitch at each booth, tailor your conversation to channel your individualization.Futuristic- Use your excitement for the future and forward-thinking talents to be ready and prepared by being able to express what your future career plans are to employers and how that might connect to their company or positions.Following up after the Career FairItsimportant to follow up with the employers you meet at the Career Fairas it shows a genuine interest in their company and potential job or internship opportunities. Send a thank you note and it could lead to further conversations about job openings.Individualization - Remember specific details about your conversations. Recall those details in your follow-up with each employer you met during the fair.Responsibility - Lean into this theme by being deliberate in your follow-up with employers. This will demonstrate your serious commitment and talent for follow through.Consistency - Spread yourself far and wide when it comes to making connections and job searching. It shows that you have respect and interest in every company that you connected with.Developer- Thank the employers for their feedback on your rsum or experience and explain how their helpful advice will help you grow and achieve your career goals.Input - Collect information and materials from employers in an organized manner during the Career Fair. Use an Excel spreadsheet to keep notes on the name of the recruiter, theit email address, company, and talking points from the conversation.CategoriesCareer AdviceStrengthsTagsCareer FairsCliftonStrengths

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